[Name Redacted]
“I’m a monster either way. We all are.”
/bohn-EEK/, /bahn/
Aliases | Riannoc /ree-an-OK/ (formerly) Rian /ree-AN/ (formerly) Bonic, Bon |
Title | Prince (formerly) BàsBeò (/bahs-bee-OH/) |
Relatives | Eighth General of Arsanaig (mother) |
Affiliation | Cadia |
Pronouns | He/Him |
Sexuality | Bisexual |
Biographical Information
Marital Status | Single |
Age | 29 |
Date of Birth | 26-A2-7021 |
Place of Birth | Aillidh, Arsanaig |
Date of Death | 03-T0-7042 |
Place of Death | Abigh, Cadia |
Physical Description
Species | Elf |
Height | 5’9″ |
Eye Color | Dark Orange |
Hair Color | Pale Grey/Blonde |
First Appearance | Episode 1 |
All Pages | Page Links |
Bonic is an elf with spiky pale grey hair, long, pointed ears, and large scars down half his face and chest. He has markings on his face, a horizontal line with three dots underneath on each cheek and a vertical line running from the bottom of his mouth down his chin.
He has distinctive dark, charred markings covering his arms, legs, and neck, emanating from light purple bands with markings that wrap around his wrists, ankles, and throat. His nails are orange and his eyes glow orange in the dark.
When Bon came into the service of Maighstir Cu, he agreed to give up his name, his past, and his place amongst people. This was in exchange for the enormous amount of power he was granted.
Bon is responsible for the destruction of the previous location of the kingdom of Arsanaig.
Bonic has completely given up on his life. He views himself as something separate from humanity, following the Maighstir’s directions without question because he views himself exclusively as her tool now. He tends to try to make sure people dislike him because of this.
He is somewhat volatile and can become defensive and angry at a moments notice. Bon is unfriendly and doesn’t like people to notice him, let alone talk to him, let alone try to befriend him. He is, however, very weak to kindness from anyone.
Bon feels constant guilt over the atrocities he’s committed, but has done nothing besides wallow in his guilt about it.
His nails and the soles of his feet are constantly heated, so he goes everywhere barefoot.
- Bonic’s God Tier[1] is Knight of Doom[2]
- Bon’s dream is to live on a rural farm by himself.
- He plays instruments, mainly harp and fiddle. Bon also very good voice and is good at singing.
- His high school stereotype is The Misfit / Outcast.
- In the past, the one of the seven deadly sins that fit him best would have been wrath. Seeking vengeance was a notable part of his past. At this point in his life it would be sloth. He’s settled into a situation that he’s given up on getting out of. He sees both as flaws.
- People singing off key irritates Bon.
- Bon tends to assume the worst about people and will pick apart how people act or what they say in order to assess them. That being said, he is extremely weak to any kindnesses.
- He has a tendency to try and predict where a conversation is going and try to prepare for that, like a defense mechanism. That can lead to him assuming what someone’s feeling or what they really mean, and the like.
[1] https://crabbng.tumblr.com/post/189155553076/what-are-their-gtiers