

“Moons circle our earth, the planets circle our suns, and we all circle in our galaxy, […]. Not because it is the fate of these celestial bodies, but simply because that is the way they react to the forces around them.”


AliasesAlm /ahlm/
TitleSpeaker of the Winds
RelativesRhaj (spouse)
AffiliationDaughter of the Cosmos, Chaian Empire

Biographical Information

Marital StatusMarried
Date of BirthUnknown
Place of BirthChaian Empire (Old World)
Date of DeathUnknown – Year 0
Place of DeathChaian Empire (Old World)

Physical Description

SpeciesHalf-Dwarf, Half-Elf
Eye ColorNone
Hair ColorLight Green


First AppearanceEpisode 6
All PagesPage Links


Short, plump, light brown skin, light green tightly curled hair with one side shaved, closed eyes.


Almet lived in the old world, over 1000 years before the start of the story. She is a skilled magic user and is assumed to have created the crystal spire Teraat stepped into in Episode 5.

Some time before the breaking, she joined Aya in the fight against an unnamed king. Almet is presumed to have died during the breaking and no longer possesses a physical form. She has only been seen in the crystal spire, as a sort of echo of herself constructed by magic. It is unknown whether she personally did this or if it was a side effect of joining Aya as one of her Speakers.


Always seeks to understand, but also is ready to question all she knows. She listens, but thinks about what she’s being told. Above all, she desires to use the power of her knowledge to help others. She took this vow at some point in her past.

She doesn’t approve of the concept of BàsBeò calling it “a bastardization of what was a beautiful relationship”.


  • First of the Speakers to be awakened (by Teraat).
  • Strives to guide those who seek knowledge.
