Ayesha Valdivia

Marek Balliol

“She would do well to remember that.”

/AY-sha/ /val-DIV-ee-ah/

AliasesAn Seanalair Iarann, the Iron General
(/en SHEH-nah-laid EE-ehr-ahn/)
TitleArd-mharaiche (former) (/arsht VAD-eh-hee-eh/)
RelativesSpouse: Nabil
Children: Saturnina, Chaarose, unnamed son

Biographical Information

Marital StatusMarried
Date of Birth30-T0-6981
Place of BirthAbigh, Cadia
Date of DeathN/A
Place of DeathN/A

Physical Description

Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorGrey


First AppearanceEpisode 2
All PagesPage Links


Ayesha is average height, with long grey hair, braided around her head and going over her shoulder. She is missing her right arm.


Ayesha, known as An Seanalair Iarann, the Iron General, is a notable high ranking member of the king’s army, which she is now retired from. She is well respected in her community, and is seen as an impartial judge in all matters.

She lost an arm battling some rouge magic users who were leading an insurrection against the Cadian crown. Because of her unrelenting ambition as a youth, she rose in the ranks of the army very quickly. To get the title of Ard-mharaiche, she publicly announced she felt the previous Ard-mharaiche was too aged to hold the position anymore. The Ard-mharaiche was amused and impressed by her directness and offered her the position. She accepted.

Her first notable campaign as Ard-mharaiche earned her the title of An Seanalair Iarann. The Insurrection of Amakon, known by most to to be a violent insurrection against the crown, was a coalition run by a group of magic users in the Amakon Providence in Cadia. They disagreed with the kingdom’s decree that all magic users must be found, recorded, and taught in crown-run boarding schools. The coalition’s demand was to make attendance of the crown-run schools to be voluntary, and to not require magic users be kept on record. If their demands were not met, they threatened to secede from Cadia. The newly crowned king saw this as a chance for other kingdom’s to see Cadia’s new ruler as weak and able to be seized. Ayesha, the Ard-mharaiche, was instructed to quell this rebellion, as aggressively as necessary.

Ayesha struggled with this order, as shown by her asking for advice from the Ban-cheannard on how whether she should refuse. She was not fully convinced by the evidence she was given that the coalition had to be dealt with using violence. In the end, she chose to follow her king’s orders, and ended the rebellion. During the battle, she was wounded by a particularly strong non-magic user fighting for the coalition.


Ayesha has little patience, and will not hesitate to tell you when you are testing it. She’s retired recently, and has taken up gardening to fill her time, which has become more of garden planning. She loves to plan, and then make sure her plans succeed. This includes her plans for her children’s lives and futures.



Ayesha and Chaarose have a tense relationship. Ayesha sees Chaarose as spoiled and selfish. She believes she has only made decisions and offers that would benefit Chaar. She sees Chaar’s failure to make the arrangements she has made work as Chaar refusing to cooperate because of frivolous wants.

She acknowledges Chaar’s work ethic and her success in the King’s Guard, rising to the rank of Lieutenant, but she refuses to allow Chaar to know this, thinking it would give her a big head.

Nabil Valdivia

Her husband is a member of the senate in the kingdom, a group of advisors who make lesser rulings in the kingdom. He got the position because of his wife’s position in their community.

Ayesha views her husband as a business partner.

Eithne Wolffe

Ayesha has been shown to have been close with Eithne, going to her to ask advice about he struggles with her orders to end the Amakon insurrection. It is unknown if they remained close after that.

Saturnina Valdivia

She has a riding beast, a mix between a musk ox and a horse, which she adores and pampers. They’ve been together since she was a child. She is often seen riding it in the fields outside Abigh.


  • Marek is a top class badminton player.
  • He is not good at giving advice because his advice would be what would benefit him.
