The Inevitable Advent of the Dawn


“After this trip I’m gonna be moving out, so you’ll have Ma and Da ALL to yourself.”


AliasesNev, The Inevitable Advent of the Dawn
TitleThe Advent, Commander
RelativesSpouse: Neam Haidh
Parents: Teodora, Samuil
Siblings: Teraat

Biographical Information

Marital StatusMarried
Date of Birth29-C1-7006
Place of BirthThua Don, Cadia
Date of DeathN/A
Place of DeathN/A

Physical Description

Eye ColorBrown
Hair ColorDark Grey


First AppearanceEpisode 5
All PagesPage Links


Beautiful. Tall with lean but noticeable musculature, A large scar across her nose and several more on her face. She also has two scars going from her left shoulder to her chest. Her hair is worn in micro braids, generally half pulled up in a bun.


Nev was forced to leave her hometown after an accident resulting in her parents’ deaths. Though it was an accident by all accounts, it was still seen by the community, her parents’ families and by herself as her fault and her responsibility.

After leaving her hometown, Nev traveled, battling in fighting rings and earning a reputation for elegant and devastating battle prowess. She was dubbed ‘The Inevitable Advent of the Dawn’ by another fighter who she would later marry, because she never lost any battle during her time in the rings and always chose mercy for her opponents. She changed the fighter’s opinions by asserting there was no need to rely on brutality in order to dominate the ring. Many of her opponents then have since followed her on her more recent endeavors.

Not long after she was given the title ‘The Inevitable Advent of Dawn’, Nev shed her previous name and adopted the title she was given as her name. It was due to this and the full support of her partner, Neam Haidh, that she was able to fully transition into her life as a woman.

Currently she is serving as a leader in Kerecha, under the title of The Advent.


Nev is somewhat distant and serious at first. She’s very nervous around new people and only intends to show a side that would seem mature and respectable to most people. However, she’s not a pushover, and will never stand for injustice and is outspoken against unfair treatment of citizens by their governments.


  • Nev’s wedding ring is made from a pendant her father made for her. It was intended to be an item of protection.
  • Inevitab was not related to Teodora by blood, but always considered her to be her mother regardless.
  • She cut off Ayesha’s arm.
